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Update export to include all relevant fields on Time Off List download

Joshua W.C. Schroy (Ximble)

Apr 19, 4:17 PM EDT

The Ideas page is for our clients use, so I recommend submitting this request there, as well as any other ideas you may have that you believe will enhance the Ximble experience overall. Regardless, I'm already in the process of scripting a message to the team about our conversation which will be discussed with them on Monday.

Kind Regards,

Joshua W.C. Schroy

Assistant Manager

NimbleSchedule & Ximble Support




Apr 19, 4:11 PM EDT

Can I assume that has now been taken care of or do I also need to submit another request to the ideas page?

Suzanne Sikora
Operations/HR Director



Joshua W.C. Schroy (Ximble)

Apr 19, 4:06 PM EDT

Hi, Suzanne.

I understand your frustration that the information displayed within the report is not the same as the information displayed within the export. I agree that the exported information should be the same as the report columns. This is why I asked if this was a new request, or if it's something you raised previously. I'm more than happy to bring this to the attention of the proper department so it can potentially be corrected in a future release. This is unfortunately not something that I'm able to change on my end which is why I suggested an alternate route to see if we can create a custom report to meet your needs. Changing the behavior of the Time-Off List report is something that requires approval, time, and assistance from the other departments. I will raise this issue with our Product Manager next week, and follow back up with you as soon as I have more information. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to submit any of your requests to our Ideas page by clicking the link below:


Kind Regards,

Joshua W.C. Schroy

Assistant Manager

NimbleSchedule & Ximble Support




Apr 19, 3:56 PM EDT

Chat started: 2019-04-19 07:36 PM UTC

(07:36:22 PM) Suzanne: The reports/miscellaneous - Time Off List download does not give me the information I need downloaded - whether it is paid or not, # of hours (if less than one day) and the policy it is paid under. Is there any way to obtain that information in a download? Otherwise, the report really doesn't give me what I need and I don't know of any other way to export that information. Thanks,
(07:36:34 PM) *** Joshua W.C. Schroy joined the chat ***
(07:38:21 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Hi, Suzanne. Can you specify the exact type of data you would like to see included in a report so that I can determine if there's a specific report that will work for you?
(07:38:59 PM) Suzanne: As mentioned - the existing report + paid hours + policy paid under
(07:39:57 PM) Suzanne: The printed report provides it but not the export
(07:40:24 PM) Suzanne: However, the printed report does not provide the notes which the download does (and I need that as well)
(07:42:00 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Okay, I just wanted to ensure that there wasn't any additional columns other than what you stated in the first message. I believe the report that would work best for you is the Payroll Report. Once generated, with Include PTO Hours included, it will display the PTO Policy name, amount of hours, the date, etc. This can of course be printed as well as exported depending on the Export Preferences you currently have set up. Can you check to see if this is something that would work for you?
(07:44:33 PM) Suzanne: No - I need just the listing of time off - paid and unpaid with the exact columns in the miscellaneous - time off list report but to include the paid hours and policy column as shown on the page.
(07:45:15 PM) Suzanne: All they need to do is add the two missing columns to the export button which are not currently included
(07:46:24 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Yes, please allow me just a moment to take a look at the exported report once more.
(07:53:21 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Thanks for your patience, Suzanne. I was checking to see if there was any way to change the way the report is displayed, but unfortunately there's no way to change said report. The only way this data is displayed how you would like it to is when printed. This is definitely something that I can speak to our Product Management team about. However, as stated previously, the Payroll Report does allow you to export data in a specific way that you configure via the Export Preferences page. It's possible that you can configure this in a way to display the exact information that you require.
(07:53:34 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Agent uploaded: Export-Preferences.png
Type: image/png
Size: 95344
(07:54:45 PM) Joshua W.C. Schroy: Is this something that you have requested in the past, or possibly submitted to our Ideas page, or is this a new request?
(07:54:51 PM) Suzanne: Really- how about just fixing the report so it exports the information as shown on the page?? Nevermind, thanks anyways
(07:55:33 PM) Suzanne: Sorry - just frustrating to get that answer from you as the assistant manager of customer support.

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2019
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

It is currently incomplete and doesn't provide all information as shown on the screen - just needs the two additional fields added to the export option

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