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We would like to see calendar view of Time-Off requests

The time off list report is great. It is easy to view when you have smaller teams of 2-5 people. But when teams are larger 20+. You can be scrolling up down quite a bit. Having a calender view will be really helpful to understand who is off from what time to what time. This is the case when employees are non shift workers. They dont clock in clock out. They are considered to be working unless they have requested time off.

  • Guest
  • Jun 20 2018
  • Likely to Implement
Why should we implement this

It will help manager's manage their daily coverage of their team in the future week, month, months. Having a calender view is much more friendly to the eye.

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  • Guest commented
    November 21, 2023 15:46

    Having this PTO calendar has a shareable calendar so the rest of the company can see who is off - or who is planning on being off - so we can adjust adequately would be great!

  • consuelo kuettner commented
    October 29, 2023 19:19

    yes the calendar is great also if by name time off request would be easy to check for drafting schedule , also it can be add in the paycor schedule and have a box leave/remove it or apporved so whe it is plugging the schedule it is there, like availability. even if the fromat for approval of time off , should be syncronizaed in the scheule with a colour warning (time off pending for approval ) ?

  • Guest commented
    January 09, 2019 23:05

    Yes, please

  • Guest commented
    December 14, 2018 01:18

    This is desperately needed