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Enter Future Time on timesheet

I am wanting to be able to enter employee's vacation time on the timesheets in advance and not day by day. This becomes an issue when the timekeeper is out of the office and the timesheet was not updated with future dated time off. We do not use Paycor to request time off and this is an issue for us.

  • Guest
  • Mar 19 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
Why should we implement this

So that employees vacation time is not missed during payroll because it was not on the time sheet.

  • May 8, 2020

    Admin response

    I would recommend using out PTO / Accrual functionality for this purpose, which would allow you to add/approve future dated time-off requests in the system. Currently, the timesheet system does not allow addition of time punches that are future dated, as you have already noticed.

    While we may not be adding future dated time entries to our existing standalone time tracking solution, I would recommend exploring what our other time tracking products within Paycor suit can handle (, so if you'd like to, I can connect you with one of our specialists to discuss further. Since I already have your contact information, then please just let me know if you'd like someone to reach out to you to discuss this need further.

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    • Guest commented
      May 08, 2020 18:18

      I would like to discuss this further. Please have someone contact me about this.

      Thank you