I have some employees that have not shown up for work. I want to be able to track and input when they are absent, off or no show. That way if it is recurring, i can not only track but have a report of it.
Why should we implement this
Because it's an issue I feel most companies may run into. If you have someone not scheduled to work saturday and sunday, with this app they just dont "Clock In". But I have no way of showing or tracking if they didn't show up for work, lets say on Monday. So if they called out sick or didnt show up for work, ect. It would be useful to be able to input in the timesheet "NO SHOW" or "ABSENT". |
I think we can see if they are Absent if they no show in the attendance report. But what would be helpful for me is to see that the person requested off for Sick Leave in that absent report. Because if they request a sick day, and they take it, that should be in the absent report - they were schedule and absent. It can denote that they took a sick day, but they still didn't work that day and the report should reflect that they were out sick. As opposed to someone who just no-showed and was absent without requesting off.
Basically update the absent/tardiness report to also include (perhaps optionally) sick leave or vacation policies so you can get an accurate sense of time off per employee. Also add a filter to this report so you can see one employee at a time! Imagine trying to scroll through thousands of records... every time I have to export the entire report and use Excel to manually find the employee I need. Another filter for that report would be to set a tolerance. I don't need to see if they were 1, 2, 3, 4 minutes late, but I do want to see how many times they're more than 15 minutes late.