Send push notifications to your mobile device as reminder to clock in and/or clock out on a per user basis. Employees remembering to clock in and/or clock out is one of our biggest problems.
I am aware there are shift reminders as early as 30 minutes before a shift, but a person can easily forgot to clock in because they aren't yet at work. And it does not act the same as a notification on your mobile device at the exact time you are supposed to clock in. Users could modify the reminder settings themselves; the day(s) of the week and the times they want to be reminded.
For example; if their shift is 8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday. The user could set a clock in notification to remind them 5/10/15/ minutes before 8am and a clock out notification at 4:30pm, Monday-Friday or Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday only if desired. Whatever the user would prefer.
OR a very simplified version of this could be to send a push notification to their mobile device at time of or 5/10/15 minutes before their scheduled shift, reminding them to clock in, and another notification at the end time of their scheduled shift reminding them to clock out.
Why should we implement this
1) To keep up with and compete with TSheets 2) It would remove the lost time spent by managers having to modify time sheets because a employee forgot to clock in or out. 3) Remind employees to clock in and clock out on time. |