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Multiple Locations for ONE Position

In modern business, companies have employees that they manage all around the world. We have an office in Macedonia with their managers in Charleston,  South Carolina. The only way to let them approve times is to change the location so they match. If we want them to be able to approve for 2 locations, then we have to create another position with that other location. Please look into the function of adding multiple locations for a position so managers will not have to clock in and out and back in to approve times for employees in other locations.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2018
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

In modern business, companies have employees that they manage all around the world. We have an office in Macedonia with their managers in Charleston,  South Carolina. The only way to let them approve times is to change the location so they match. If we want them to be able to approve for 2 locations, then we have to create another position with that other location. Please look into the function of adding multiple locations for a position so managers will not have to clock in and out and back in to approve times for employees in other locations.

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