The ability to view more than one Location at a time when scheduling shifts (alternative to All Locations).
Why should we implement this
The ability to view more than one Location at a time when scheduling shifts (alternative to All Locations). |
We are a dual location team working the same shift to fulfill the company mission. Having the ability to see both locations would greatly help us in identifying stop gaps in personnel. I definitely support this option!
Yes, it woild help with our operation planning.
agreed this would be very helpful
Yes this can be valuable.
This feature will be very useful
This feature is a must.
Very useful , easy way to view multiple sites
Great benefit in filtering multiple sites in a single view
Yes indeed it is useful
This would definitely be a good idea to have implemented in PRD
This would be a great addition
I agree, we need to be able to view two or more stations at the same time
Definitely would love to see this option in production