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Remove default location

All of our employees work at multiple sites.  Please allow for us to not have a default location so we don't have to remove the filter each time we view the schedule.

  • Guest
  • Jan 28 2019
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

Because it's annoying to always have the filter applied when it should be applied only when you ask it to be.

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  • Peta Woodland commented
    1 Mar, 2024 12:53am

    We have worked over the past few months without a default location on the schedule filter. This works well for us as we have multiple unrelated departments. Over the past week it changed so there was a default location, and we were told this is the "intended" behaviour and we now have to submit an idea to try and change it back (and I see this has been requested before in 2019)... The default location on the schedule filter is causing people to create schedule errors... The different UNRELATED departments also constantly go in and change the default location to suit themselves which means it can be different every time we come to work. There should be an option where the default is all locations unless we click on a default....