This process could be easily automated such that clients were able to elect to recieve copies of either their csv or pdf schedules captured and sent by email or some other backup system.
Our preference would be for this to occur daily but other businesses might prefer weekly for example.
This would be useful for maintaining company records, as a backup process in the event your system was down and data of daily shifts was unavailable at a critical moment, and for other internal processes.
Currently, the process for exporting this data requires a staff member to do this each time. I think an automated system for this makes much more sense.
Why should we implement this
I think so many businesses would appreciate this function and see this as a useful risk management tool for using your program. What currently happens when a business manager can't login in to view their data for whatever reason - either due to a system error at your end or connectivity issues at the businesses end? Do you have provisions for that other than everyone requesting urgent support? An automated 'backup' of the data that is accessible to business owners would be very valuable. |
Thank you for suggesting this improvement. Our team will keep in mind when defining our roadmap, however, at a time we do not have this enhancement on our near term roadmap. If we get this improvement prioritized we will let you know and provide you with some estimated delivery timeline.