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Offline recording of clock in/outs

We use an iPad and QR codes. Typically employee just grabs card with the the QR code on it and scan...move on. No logins by employee necessary. If the internet blips or the power goes out, employees have to go back to writing down times on paper and leave it in a place I can find them. This defeats most the purpose of using a centralized kiosk for a timeclock...please help. It should be able to record the "punches" offline and then upload when internet is re-established. Pretty frustrating for all of us.

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
Why should we implement this

This should be implemented because stability of a central kiosk clock in/out station is the whole premise of the app.

  • Nov 23, 2020

    Admin response

    While we may not be changing our existing standalone time tracking solution, I would recommend exploring what our other time tracking products within Paycor suit can handle (, so if you'd like to, I can connect you with one of our specialists to discuss further. Since I already have your contact information, then please just let me know if you'd like someone to reach out to you to discuss this need further.

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