We have multiple staff working in multiple locations but it is not possible to export out into excel the detail of who we have working where. This is an essential piece of information. We need it not just for ongoing day-to-day business but also, because the task of adding locations to staff needs to presently be done on a case by case basis not by an import, then an export would also be useful to check that the data has been entered correctly in the first place. When you have over 1000+ staff and 200+ locations in the system, it is impossible to do any checks that are manual...
Why should we implement this
Time saving & cost benefit, especially for larger companies. Also, not having such functionality will limit your ability to work with larger companies where this kind of functionality is critical. |
Thank you for suggesting this improvement. Our team will keep in mind when defining our roadmap, however, at a time we do not have this enhancement on our near term roadmap. If we get this improvement prioritized we will let you know and provide you with some estimated delivery timeline.