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importing the staff schedule into their time sheets

We are unable to use the clock in clock out feature as they work different activities but do not have access to a device during their shift to clock out and in throughout the day for each of those activities.Thus we are forced to have our employees build time sheets every night after their shift which is time consuming.

  • Guest
  • May 23 2019
  • Already exists
Why should we implement this

Employees would then not have to build time sheets for the various activities they have within a single work-day shift, thus saving them time and frustration. All they would do is edit if anything changed. It wold also help from them making errors trying to remember when they did the different acitvities. 

  • May 23, 2019

    Admin response

    The system allows you to import schedule into timesheets by using the three dotted menu in the top right corner above the timesheets list, and then click on the Import -> From Schedule feature.

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    • Guest commented
      May 23, 2019 16:34

      I don’t see this available in the App. So employees would need to do this on a work computer each day as opposed to their phones or company iPads?