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Audit Log / Tracking improvments

It would be nice to add additional features to the audit log, to allow administrators to better audit what and who is making changes to things.  

A few items that would be very useful:

  • Communication log - record of both text and email communications sent via Ximble (open shift notifications, confirmations, etc.) So when someone says "I never got that", or "I didn't know", there is a way to actually prove a notification was sent.
  • Time off audit - who approved John Doe's time off request, and when was it approved?
  • Shift Pick-up audit - who approved John's shift pick-up request, and when was it approved?
  • Location - I can see that John added Jane to a shift, but at what site was she added to?
  • Guest
  • Dec 11 2018
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

This would provide administrators and supervisors to have more/better control over the day to day activities happening on Ximble. 

  • Attach files