In Nimble when you click on an existing shift to edit it you can change the employee name so that when you save it the shift moves onto the new employees schedule. This option is not available in Ximble so the only option to change the employee is either to put the shift into open and then reassign (and to do that you have to open in advanced mode so another further step) or cut the shift and paste onto the new employee. If you have a lot of employees you have to scroll in order to reach them as you can't drag the shift down as the page will not scroll. If you have a lot of shifts that need changing this is a huge amount of wasted time. When you create a shift it should auto populate with the person who you are creating the shift for but then allow you to change this person when you edit the shift. You should not need to open advanced mode to do this either.
Why should we implement this
Being able to move shifts easily between employees is a key feature needed for scheduling and by migrating over to Ximble this has actually been made 3 times as hard and time consuming. The drag feature is good in Ximble however, if you cannot see the employee on the page the page doesn't scroll when you drag so basically makes it useless. Making my schedule has been made more frustrating and time consuming by switching to Ximble and without this feature I will have to look into other scheduling providers. |