When we publish out our schedules from week to week, we regularly have 300+ open shifts across all of our locations. Open shift notifications are currently NOT sent out to staff unless the open shift is published one at a time. PLEASE create a way to allow open shift notifications to be sent out in mas.
Maybe create an additional option within the green Publish button to also include open shift, or notification options?
Why should we implement this
This is another basic and essential feature of scheduling that worked great in Nimble but no longer exists in Ximble. |
We have made an adjustment to how we sent notifications for multiple open shifts when publishing a schedule. An email will show the first next open shift available for an employee, and then show a notification that there are more open shifts available in the system (and it will show the count of those available open shifts that were published).
We do plan to make further improvements to this process of sending notifications for multiple events through a single email soon.