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Assign Locations in Bulk

You can import staff with a CSV, but you have to assign all of them to one location. For companies with multiple locations and a large amount of employees, assigning each one to a location can be time consuming. Consider adding a "location" header on your csv/xlsx exports where you can assign locations quicker. 

  • Guest
  • Aug 31 2018
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

Implementing features such as this would add value to larger companies that have multiple employees. 

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  • Guest commented
    October 20, 2020 05:25

    This would be a huge benefit - as the requester says, for larger companies with multiple locations & multiple employees, this would be a significant time saver.

  • Christine Sheppard commented
    October 26, 2018 18:52

    1000000% agree, it does not make sense to me to have an import feature if we cannot assign locations within that import. Not ideal for large companies and bulk imports which is what imports are primarily used for. This should save us time but instead makes the process a bit longer and drawn out vs. entering in manually. The only reason I would continue importing this way is to ensure I capture correct employee numbers however this is definitely less than ideal. Thank you for accepting this feedback!