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Activities to be included in the Payroll/timesheet report - as a way to have job costings

The ability to have activities reported in the timesheet printout and or payroll report to get job costings would be great.  One department will separate their day into different jobs and we like to calculate the hours spent in those particular jobs, this would allow us to see that easier for payroll.

  • Jodee Wall
  • Jun 23 2018
  • Future consideration
Why should we implement this

This would be a useful feature, and should be an easy addition as it is already a tracked item, its just redirecting where it is reported

  • May 21, 2019

    Admin response

    We have covered the part that allows clients to include activities/job codes on the payroll report if only one job code is permitted per shift/timesheet.

    If the above two optons are enabled under Settings->Timesheet->Clock Preferences section, then activities can be included on the payroll report.

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