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Additional email addresses where leave notifications can be sent for an individual

We would like all employees profiles to have the option of one extra email address to be notified of leave request approvals/rejections and so forth. The reason behind this is an employee could be located in station A and their manager is in location B. The user has a state manager in place A but their leaves are approved by the manager in place B. Their manager in station A would still like to be notified of their leave requests, even if they are not entitled to take a decision on it.

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  • Jun 20 2018
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Why should we implement this

This will help in managing teams where employees are located in geographically different locations. The employees could have 2 managers, one their main manager who approves their leaves, and the other who works with them on a day to day basis (sort of like a team leader). Although they wouldnt take a call on whether to approve or reject a request, they would still like to be notified of a request that has been sent and once a decision has been made on it.

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  • Rushelle Kelly commented
    20 Jun, 2018 06:12am

    Or possible allowing an employee to be assigned to more than one manager would work for the client as well.